
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection Procedure (ICSI)

ICSI is a procedure that involves inserting a single sperm directly into a mature egg. Since ICSI bypasses the normal fertilization process, its fertilization rates are higher than IVF. This procedure has a lot of benefits for sperm/egg defects, both qualitative and quantitative. 

Situations in which ICSI Treatment is Recommend:

ICSI is a stage in the IVF process that follows the same steps as IVF. ICSI is recommended when fertilization is problematic or when male factor is the true cause of infertility. ICSI is only recommended where the sperm are unable to fertilize the egg on their own.

ICSI is recommended in the following situations:

  • If your male partner is producing insufficient sperm, IVF may not be effective.
  • If sperm motility is insufficient
  • The sperm’s failure to attach to an egg
  • Sperm extraction surgery is needed due to a blockage in the male reproductive system.
  • Where the previous standard IVF treatment has failed.
  • Unexplained Infertility 

ICSI is a tough choice to make, but it does improve the likelihood of fertilization. When you have unexplained infertility or prior IVF failures, the ICSI treatment will help you conceive.

ICSI process phases

  • A mature sperm is collected in a specialized pipette during the ICSI process.
  • To immobilize and pick a sperm, a delicate and slender needle is used.
  • The sperm is then inserted into the egg’s cytoplasm using the needle.
  • The needle is gently extracted after injecting the sperm.
  • Fertilization of the eggs is checked the following day.

ICSI is a difficult process that must be carried out by embryologists who have undergone extensive training. ICSI greatly boosts the odds of birth in men with serious male infertility. If you have a poor sperm count or ejaculation problem, you can hear about the medical choices open to you by consulting with your fertility specialist Dr. Ramya Mishra Shukla  at Global IVF Clinic.